Vie 06.03.2009


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15: The Godfather of Disco (Gene Graham), Santa Fe 2.

* Nina Simone, Love Sorceress... Forever (René Letzgus). Santa Fe 1.

* The U.S. vs. John Lennon (David Leaf & John Scheinfeld). Atlas Recoleta.

17: Made in Sheffield: The Birth of Electronic Pop (Eve Wood). Atlas Recoleta.

17.15: Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison (Bestor Cram). Atlas Recoleta.

17.20: Loquillo Leyenda Urbana (Carles Prats). Santa Fe 1.

19.10:Metal: A Headbanger’s Journey (Sam Dunn, Scot McFadyen). Atlas Recoleta.

19.30: Johnny Cash... Santa Fe 1.

20: Algo va a pasar (Diego Panich, Leandro Listorti), Santa Fe 2.

20.15: Hay lo que hay (Ezequiel Muñoz). Atlas Recoleta.

21.15: The Godfather of Disco. Atlas Recoleta.

21.30: NY 77 The coolest year in Hell (Henry Corra). Atlas Santa Fe 1.

* The Clash: Westway to the World (Don Letts). Santa Fe 1.

* Metal... Santa Fe 2.

23.10: A Technicolor Dream (Stephen Gammond). Atlas Recoleta.

23.15: Kurt Cobain: About a Son (AJ Schnack). Santa Fe 1.

23.30: End of the Century: The Story of the Ramones (Jim Fields, Michael Gramalia). Santa Fe 2.

23.45: The U.S. vs. John Lennon. Santa Fe 2.

1: End of the Century... Atlas Recoleta.

1.15 hs.: Joy Division (Grant Gee). Santa Fe 1.

1.30: Sonic Youth: Sleeping Nights Awake (Michael Albright). Atlas Recoleta.

* Everyone Stares: The Police Inside Out (Stewart Copeland). Santa Fe 2.

* Gimme Shelter (Albert y David Maysles, Charlotte Zwerin). Santa Fe 2.


15: The Police Inside Out. Santa Fe 1.

* Vinicius (Miguel Faria Jr). Santa Fe 2.

17.30: Nina Simone... Santa Fe 1.

* Oasis: Lord Don’t Slow Me Down (Baillie Walsh). Santa Fe 1.

17.50: The Clash... Santa Fe 1.

19.45: Beastie Boys: Awesome, I Fucking shot that (Nathanial Hörnblower). Santa Fe 2.

21.30: Babasónicos por Melero (Daniel Melero, Juan Agustín Carbonere). Santa Fe 1.

21.45: La cocina (Jorge Villar). Santa Fe 2.

23: Fearless Freaks: The Flaming Lips (Bradley Beesley). Santa Fe 1.

1.20: Sonic Youth... Santa Fe 1.


15: Gimme Shelter. Santa Fe 2.

* Vinicius. Atlas Recoleta.

17: Kurt Cobain... Santa Fe 1.

17.30: Loquillo... Atlas Recoleta.

18: NY 77. Santa Fe 2.

19: Joy Division. Santa Fe 1.

19.45: Beastie Boys... Santa Fe 2.

20: Public Enemy: Welcome to the Terrordome (Robert Patton-Spruill). Atlas Recoleta.

21: 100 pájaros (Sergio Bellotti). Santa Fe 1.

21.30: Fearless Freaks... Santa Fe 2.

22.45: A Technicolor Dream. Santa Fe 1.

23.45: The Pixies: LoudQuietLoud (Steven Cantor, Matthew Galkin). Santa Fe 2.

23.50: Made in Sheffield. Atlas.

Nota madre


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